graph LR
classDef crm stroke:#333333,fill:#DCDCDC,color:#333333,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef thing stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#D0E5FF,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef event stroke:#6B9624,fill:#D0DDBB,color:#6B9624,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef oPID stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#2C5D98,color:white,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef ePID stroke:#6B9624,fill:#6B9624,color:white,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef aPID stroke:black,fill:#FFFF99,rx:20px,ry:20px;
classDef type stroke:red,fill:#B51511,color:white,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef name stroke:orange,fill:#FEF3BA,rx:20px,ry20px;
classDef literal stroke:black,fill:#FFB975,rx:2px,ry:2px,max-width:100px;
classDef classstyle stroke:black,fill:white;
classDef url stroke:#2C5D98,fill:white,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px;
classDef note stroke:#2C5D98,fill:#D8FDFF,color:#2C5D98,rx:5px,ry:5px;
O0("_Blank Node-N26")
class O0 event;
class O1 crm;
O0 -- crm:P2.has type -->O1["crm:E9.Event"]
O2("Type PID")
class O2 oPID;
O0 -- crm:P2.has type -->O2["Type PID"]
O3("Material PID")
class O3 oPID;
O0 -- crm:P126.employed -->O3["Material PID"]
class O4 crm;
O3 -- crm:P2.has type -->O4["crm:E57.Material"]
O5("Method PID")
class O5 oPID;
O0 -- crm:P33.used specific technique -->O5["Method PID"]
class O6 crm;
O5 -- crm:P2.has type -->O6["crm:E55.Type"]
O7("Location PID")
class O7 oPID;
O0 -- crm:P7.took place at -->O7["Location PID"]
class O8 crm;
O7 -- crm:P2.has type -->O8["crm:E53.Place"]
O9("Object PID")
class O9 oPID;
O0 -- crm:P25.moved -->O9["Object PID"]
O0 -- crm:P31.modified -->O9["Object PID"]
O0 -- crm:P34.concerned -->O9["Object PID"]
O10("crm:E22.Man-Made Object-4")
class O10 crm;
O9 -- crm:P2.has type -->O10["crm:E22.Man-Made Object"]
O11("Different events will have individual descriptions and different types of events will have different additional relationships or links to external resources@en")
class O11 literal;
O0 -- rdfs:comment -->O11["Different events will have individual descriptions and
different types of events will have different additional
relationships or links to external resources@en"]
O12("_Blank Node-N27")
class O12 aPID;
class O13 crm;
O12 -- crm:P2.has type -->O13["crm:E39.Actor"]
O0 -- crm.P14.carried out by -->O12["_Blank Node-N27"]
O0 -- crm.P12.occured in the presence of -->O12["_Blank Node-N27"]
O0 -- crm.P15.was influenced by -->O12["_Blank Node-N27"]
O14("An event in the life of an object can involve a range of people or groups in different roles@en")
class O14 literal;
O12 -- rdfs:comment -->O14["An event in the life of an object can involve a range of
people or groups in different roles@en"]
O15("_Blank Node-N28")
class O15 oPID;
class O16 crm;
O15 -- crm:P2.has type -->O16["crm:E31.Document"]
O0 -- documented in -->O15["_Blank Node-N28"]
O17("This allows a link to stand-alone and/or legacy reports, publications, databases, etc.@en")
class O17 literal;
O15 -- rdfs:comment -->O17["This allows a link to stand-alone and/or legacy reports,
publications, databases, etc.@en"]
O18("_Blank Node-N29")
class O18 oPID;
O19("crm:E1.CRM Entity-7")
class O19 crm;
O18 -- crm:P2.has type -->O19["crm:E1.CRM Entity"]
O0 -- rdfs:seeAlso -->O18["_Blank Node-N29"]
O20("Different events can link to various other things.@en")
class O20 literal;
O18 -- rdfs:comment -->O20["Different events can link to various other things.@en"]
O21("_Blank Node-N30")
class O21 oPID;
class O22 crm;
O21 -- crm:P2.has type -->O22["crm:E52.Time-span"]
O0 -- crm:P4.has time span -->O21["_Blank Node-N30"]
O23("Time spans can be any period of time, with a start and a finish date Degrees of confidence also need to be established.@en")
class O23 literal;
O21 -- rdfs:comment -->O23["Time spans can be any period of time, with a start and a
finish date Degrees of confidence also need to be