National Gallery - CIDOC CRM Modelling Examples

Data preparation

This site has been setup to present a series of examples of how the CIDOC CRM can be used to model actual heritage data, however it is not meant to be a static resource. The models that are presented here are expected to change overtime as a result of further research and discussion and potentially new models may be added. The goal is to create a resource that aims to present a current view of the consensus of how the CIDOC CRM is used to model data in practical systems.

In order to make the process of editing the models as easy as possible they are created dynamically from a simple list of tab separated triples as shown here. Simple changes to this root data file will result in the presented models changing, as all of the required processing and formatting, for these complex presentations, are carried out automatically each time a model is loaded.

In order to allow others to participate in future discussions, and help update these models, the raw files are going to be uploaded to GitHub. This will allow details of all issues, comments and even older versions of the models to be publicly organised and presented.

    // Model: artist // Primary relationships describing an Artist
    // D8.5 Figure 4
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P2.has type	crm:E21.Person	aPID@@crm
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P2.has type	aat:300411314
    aat:300411314	rdfs:label	artist painters@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P2.has type	aat:300024987
    aat:300024987	rdfs:label	architechts@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	owl:sameAs	ulan:500023578
    ulan:500023578	rdfs:label	Raphael@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	owl:sameAs	wd:Q5597
    wd:Q5597	rdfs:label	Raphael@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	rdfs:seeAlso	rdfs:label	Raphael Research Resource@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	rdfs:comment	Free Text@en
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P14.performed	ngo:002-0432-0000	aPID@@ePID
    _Blank Node	crm:P2.has type	crm:E41.Appellation
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000 identified by	_Blank Node
    _Blank Node	rdfs:label	Raphael@en
    _Blank Node	crm:P2.has type	crm:E74.Group	aPID@@crm
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P15.was influenced by	_Blank Node
    _Blank Node	owl:sameAs	aat:300107304
    aat:300107304	rdfs:label	Ancient Italian@en
    _Blank Node	crm:P2.has type	crm:E67 Birth	event@@crm
    ng:0F6J-0001-0000-0000	crm:P98.was born	_Blank Node
    _Blank Node	crm:P2.has type	crm:E53 Place
    _Blank Node-1	crm:P7.took place at	_Blank Node
    _Blank Node	owl:sameAs	tgn:7003994
    _Blank Node	owl:sameAs	wd:Q2759
    tgn:7003994	rdfs:label	Urbino (inhabited place)@en