Simple Site - About


This project has been directly supported by the following projects:

The SSHOC Project

The SSHOC Project The SSHOC Project
Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC)is a project funded by the EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and unites 20 partner organisations and their 27 associates in developing the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) - SSHOC

The ARTICT Project

The ARTICT Project
EPSRC funded - ARTICT | Art Through the ICT Lens: Big Data Processing Tools to Support the Technical Study, Preservation and Conservation of Old Master Paintings - ARTICT

The IIIF - TANC Project

AHRC funded - IIIF-TNC | Practical applications of IIIF as a building block towards a digital National Collection - IIIF - TNC

The HeritagePIDs Project

AHRC funded - HeritagePIDs | Persistent Identifiers as IRO Infrastructure - HeritagePIDs

    Display the full code used to define this page.

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        "parent": "",
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        "title": "Simple Site - <b>About</b>",
        "content": "<div class=\"alert alert-info\" role=\"alert\"><h4>Simple Site Collaborations</h4><p>The Simple Site project has developed out of work from a number of different projects, all of which involved some aspect of developing project websites, or documented methods of disseminating formatted data. This work will continue across the listed projects but further collaborations are anticipated.</p></div>\r\n\r\n<h3>Acknowledgement</h3>\r\n\r\n<p>This project has been directly supported by the following projects:</p>\r\n\r\n<h4>The SSHOC Project</h4>\r\n<figure class=\"figure\">\t\r\n  <img style=\"height:64px;\" src=\"graphics/sshoc-logo.png\" class=\"figure-img img-fluid rounded\" alt=\"The SSHOC Project\">\r\n  <img style=\"height:32px;\" src=\"graphics/sshoc-eu-tag2.png\" class=\"figure-img img-fluid rounded\" alt=\"The SSHOC Project\">\r\n  <figcaption class=\"figure-caption\">Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC)is a project funded by the EU framework programme Horizon 2020 and unites [20 partner organisations and their 27 associates|] in developing the social sciences and humanities area of the [European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)|] - [SSHOC|]</figcaption>\r\n</figure>\r\n\r\n<h4>The ARTICT Project</h4>\r\n<figure class=\"figure\">\r\n  <img style=\"height:64px;\" src=\"graphics/UKRI_EPSR_Council-Logo_Horiz-RGB.png\" class=\"figure-img img-fluid rounded\" alt=\"The ARTICT Project\">\r\n  <figcaption class=\"figure-caption\">EPSRC funded - ARTICT | Art Through the ICT Lens: Big Data Processing Tools to Support the Technical Study, Preservation and Conservation of Old Master Paintings - [ARTICT|]</figcaption>\r\n</figure>\r\n\r\n<h4>The IIIF - TANC Project</h4>\r\n<figure class=\"figure\">\r\n  <img style=\"height:64px;\" src=\"graphics/TANC%20-%20IIIF.png\" class=\"figure-img img-fluid rounded\" alt=\"IIIF - TANC\">\r\n  <figcaption class=\"figure-caption\">AHRC funded - IIIF-TNC | Practical applications of IIIF as a building block towards a digital National Collection -   [IIIF - TNC|]</figcaption>\r\n</figure>\r\n\r\n<h4>The HeritagePIDs Project</h4>\r\n<figure class=\"figure\">\r\n  <img style=\"height:64px;\" src=\"graphics/TANC%20-%20PIDS.png\" class=\"figure-img img-fluid rounded\" alt=\"PIDS - TANC\">\r\n  <figcaption class=\"figure-caption\">AHRC funded - HeritagePIDs | Persistent Identifiers as IRO Infrastructure - [HeritagePIDs|]</figcaption>\r\n</figure>",
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    The complete JSON object used to define this content and layout of this page.