More detail might be needed in some areas

Sub pages can be set up to provide additional content without adding to the list of tabs at the top of the page. These are nested using a simple parent child relationship.

    Example Knowledge Graph

      Display the full code used to define this page.

      Page JSON Object

          "parent": "template-home",
          "class": "",
          "file": "",
          "title": "More detail might be needed in some areas",
          "content": "<p>Sub pages can be set up to provide additional content without adding to the list of tabs at the top of the page. These are nested using a simple parent child relationship.</p><div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"><p><b>NB:</b> The display name of a page, which appears in the menus and navigation options can be different to the actual name used for the page. For example the display name of this page is <b>Nice display pagename</b>, whereas the actual page name in the URL is <b>example-subpage-01</b>. This can be useful as it is good practice to avoid long page names that include spaces.</p><p>Display names can be set in the [pages.json|pages.json.html] file, using the variable <b>\"displayName\"</b>.</p></div>",
          "content right": "<img style=\"position:relative;width:100%;\" alt=\"Example Knowledge Graph\" src=\"graphics/example_knowledge_graph.png\"/>",
          "copy": false,
          "displayName": "Nice display pagename",
          "displaycode": true
      The complete JSON object used to define this content and layout of this page.